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Analyst coverage

Sonova Holding AG is covered by various national and international financial analysts (see table below). The consensus (majority of opinion) reflects their earnings projections for Sonova. The consensus is collected and provided by Vara Research.
Consensus estimates are based on projections made by securities analysts who cover Sonova. Any opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions regarding Sonova's future performance made by the analysts (and, therefore, the consensus estimate numbers) are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections, guidance or predictions of Sonova or its management. Sonova does not by providing these estimates imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. 

Sonova accepts no liability for the selection, current relevance, completeness or correctness of the analysts’ recommendations and assessments. Sonova undertakes no obligation to update or revise such estimates. Any liability on the part of Sonova for losses incurred by third parties arising from the information provided by Vara Research is precluded. 
AlphaValueParisAnas Patel 
Bank of America Merrill LynchLondonJulien Ouaddour
BarclaysLondonHassan Al-Wakeel
BerenbergLondonCoverage suspended
Bernstein SGLondonSusannah Ludwig
Carnegie Investment BankCopenhagenNiels Granholm-Leth
CitiLondonVeronika Dubajova
Deutsche BankFrankfurtFalko Friedrichs
EquitaMilanDavide Marchesin
Exane BNP Paribas ParisHugo Solvet
Goldman Sachs International LondonRichard Felton
HSBCBangaloreShubhangi Gupta
JefferiesLondonJulien Dormois
J.P. Morgan CazenoveLondonDavid Adlington
Kepler CheuvreuxZurichMaja Pataki
MirabaudZurichCoverage suspended
Morgan Stanley LondonRobert J. Davies
Morningstar  AmsterdamAlex Morozov
Octavian ZurichSandra Dietschy
ODDO BHFFrankfurtOliver Metzger
RedburnLondonIssie Kirby
Research PartnersZürichUrs Kunz
StifelZurichCoverage suspended
UBS Investment Bank LondonGraham Doyle
VontobelZurichSibylle Bischofberger
Zürcher KantonalbankZurichDaniel Jelovcan