06/10/2018 | 07:00 CEST | Advanced Bionics
Valencia, CA, November 6, 2018, – Advanced Bionics (AB) Announces the TUV Approval of the HiRes™ Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant. Built on the HiRes™ Ultra platform and developed by the Research and Development Team at AB, the new implant is the Hassle Free and Pain Free choice for recipients undergoing MRI examinations. Even for high resolution MRI examinations there is no need to remove the magnet and no requirement for head bandaging, meaning uninterrupted hearing for the patient.
Hansjuerg Emch, Group Vice President Cochlear Implants (CI), Sonova, says “After many years of research and development, the new magnet technology in our cochlear implants will improve the quality of life for our many recipients due to our hassle free and pain free magnet. We are leading the way and ensuring recipients have the best possible experiences with our advanced technology. It’s a powerful innovation and makes our efforts so rewarding.”
The new magnet design provides alignment with an external 3D magnetic field. This allows cochlear implant recipients to move freely around in the strong magnetic field of an MRI machine without feeling pain or discomfort, and without restrictions to the orientation of the head. This unique magnet is composed of four rotatable magnet rods encased in a revolving disc that allows the magnet to provide alignment with the MRI field in all three dimensions.
Previously, patients and surgeons have had to contend with the strong magnetic field from MRI machines exerting force on the magnet, causing torque and subsequent pain if the magnet remains in situ, even with head bandaging. It is common to remove the magnet for high resolution MRI examinations, requiring surgery and interrupting the patient’s hearing during the healing process.
MRI examinations are already standard of care for health care professionals and with this in mind AB developed a new magnet technology that is compatible with MRI examinations, allowing patients’ peace of mind, for any future health issues that necessitate an MRI examination. With the future in mind the new technology has been designed to undergo heavy usage of MRI procedures without any loss of magnetic strength or mobility of the magnet components.
Advanced Bionics is a global leader in developing hearing solutions for individuals with severe-to-profound hearing loss who no longer benefit from hearing aids. Founded in 1993 and a subsidiary of the Sonova Group since 2009, AB develops cutting-edge cochlear implant technology that allows recipients to hear their best. AB joined Phonak as part of the Sonova Group of companies and began a collaboration unlike any other in the industry. Since then, the innovation leaders in cochlear implants and hearing aids have continuously combined technologies to deliver new, unequalled hearing solutions.
AB offers the most capable cochlear implant system on the market1, the HiResolution™ Bionic Ear System designed to help recipients hear in noisy settings and enjoy the full dimensions of music and tonal languages2,3. With sales in more than 50 countries and a proven track record for developing high-performing, state-of-the-art products, AB’s talented worldwide group of technologists and professionals are driven to succeed, work with integrity and stay firmly committed to quality.
1. Technical Specifications. HiRes™ Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant. 2018. 028-M960-03 RevB.
2. Adams D, Ajimsha KM, Barberá MT, Gazibegovic D, Gisbert J, Gómez J, Raveh E, Rocca C, Romanet P, Seebens Y, Zarowski A., Multicentre evaluation of music perception in adult users of Advanced Bionics cochlear implants Cochlear Implants Int. 2014 Jan;15(1):20-6. doi: 10.1179/1754762813Y.0000000032. Epub 2013 Nov 25.
3. Chang YT, Yang HM, Lin YH, Liu SH, Wu JL. Tone discrimination and speech perception benefit in Mandarin-speaking children fit with HiRes Fidelity 120 sound processing. Otol Neurotol. 2009 Sep;30(6):750-7. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0b013e3181b286b2.